Monday, August 27, 2012


Accolade:Sign of praise, public recognition
The fireman recieved accolades for saving a baby from a burning building.
There was much acerbity at court for child custody shortly following a divorce.
Attrition: Loss of personell, wearing away at surface
The attrition of the small business eventually led to bankruptcy.
Bromide:Unoriginal saying
YOLO is a bromide.
Chauvinist:Somebody with sense of superiority
A chauvinist doesn't have many friends.
Chronic:Long lasting, always present
After taking AP classes I have chronic headaches.
Expound:Describe and explain something
My teachers expound their course material.
Factionalism:Conflict between groups within a larger group
There is factionalism in small countries in Africa.
Immaculate:Clean, faultless
A woman's closet is immaculate.
The witch's imprecation was dour.
Ineluctable:Not to be avoided or changed
Your fate is presumably ineluctable.
Mercurial:Lively and unpredictable
Lil Jon is mercurial.
Palliate:Reduce intensity or severity of something
She tried to palliate the death of her mother with chocolate.
Protocol:Code of Conduct
There is a formal prtocol at a wedding.
The parade was resplendent.
Stigmatize:Label as socially undesirable
As a society we tend to stigmatize cannibalism, and rightfully so.
Sub Rosa:Secretly or privately
Lets have a sub rosa conversation on your innermost secrets.
Vainglory:Excessive Pride
The international champion of lacrosse has vainglory.
Vestige:Trace of something gone
There was a vestige of blood at the crime scene.
Volition:Ability to choose
The president must have volition.

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