Monday, August 20, 2012

Assignment #1

Why am I taking this course?  Well to be honest you're not the first person asking me why I'm taking it and I know I can't really give a specific answer, however I can give a wide variety of vague reasons.  First of all I can't express how much I enjoy being around intelligent people, I figured the smartest kids would be taking AP classes and I want to hear what they think and their opinions on matters.  Most people in average classes I wouldn't say are ignorant but they don't seem to care about education or global issues and I think that if I'm around people who care then maybe some of their good nature can rub off on me and I can improve by being in their company. 

I'm not really nervous about anything in the class I'm more worried about my own performance, for example this blog assignment was posted in June and I'm doing it now in August :P.  I'm both nervous and excited for my potential to grow in this class if I utilize what I've been given I can become a much better person in leaps and bounds however if I slack then I'll just be wasting my time, and time isn't something you get back.

My only goal in this class is to be happy and content by the end of the year because I know that I set my standards high and if I'm truly happy with what I've done this year and am convinced I've tried my hardest then I'll consider myself successful in this class.

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