Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Brave New World (II & III)

The characer Bernard Marx is introduced in these chapters and I feel like he will be an important factor in this story.  More background is given to the alternate future where knowledge is either destroyed or hidden from most of the population.  The controller narrates the history of man in a negative light to the students.  It seems there might be a conflict with some of the nurses and Bernard about not conforming with the expectations of promiscuity and seeing the "savages".

Thursday, February 21, 2013

First Quarter Review

This quarter I feel like I fell short of my expectations for myself.  I expected to get alot more done and I wanted to keep my blog up to date which hasn't been the case but I've been putting more time into my blog recently and have been trying to keep it relevant.  I need to spend alot more time studying lit terms and planning more on literature analysis because I always procrastinate on both of those as well and then rush to get those done.  I have been working hard on my senior project however and I've almost finished pre production and I'm excited to start that and get it finished.  Next quarter I'd like to be able to say that I have at least 90% of the things I'm supposed to have on my blog posted, I would also like to have my senior project finished.  Next quarter though I want to start planning ahead for my future more because right now I haven't really done to much in anticipation of next year or my career and I feel like its important for me to start that soon.  The only comment I have to make on the course as a whole is I think every student thats enrolled in this class we all need to collaborate and really define our year in this class and make in unique because I feel what we've done so far has been great but it hasn't been excellent.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Here are all the blogs that I feel are above and beyond the rest and the ones that I personally use as a model for my own:
Ming Chen: http://mchenrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Danielle Galindo: http://danig14.blogspot.com/
Samantha Garrison: http://sgarrisonrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Valerie Gonzalez: http://vgonzalezrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Matthew Patel: http://mpatelrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Felicitas Ruiz: http://fruizrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/

These are the blogs that are all great and have most of their work done, the people here are doing a good job staying up to date:
Cassidy Ashlock: http://cashlockrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Reed Conforti: http://rconfortirhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Sebastian Guillen: http://sguillenrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Megan Hardisty: http://mhardistyrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Alicia Hernandez: http://ahernandezrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Haleigh Jones: http://hjonesrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Ryunhee Kim: http://rkimrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Abby Kuhlman: http://akuhlmanrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Alex Lane: http://alanerhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Isiah Mabansag: http://isiahmabansag.blogspot.com/
Conor McNamara: http://www.csmrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Bailey Nelson: http://bnelsonrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Josh Ng: http://jngrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Nathan Oh: http://norhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Troy Prober: http://tproberrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Brady Redman: http://bredmanrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Erika Snell: http://www.esnellrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Justin Thompson: http://jthompson2rhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Tanner Tuttle: http://ttuttlerhsenglitcomp1.blogspot.com/
Dulce Vargas: http://dvargasrhsenglitcomp1.blogspot.com/
Ashley Wilburn: http://awilburnrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/

Unfortunately there are a few blogs that are as far behind as mine but I feel like with a little work these blogs can be back up to date:
Brittany Cunningham: http://bcunninghamrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Kristofer Green: http://kgreenrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Travis Knight: http://tmkrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Carly Koertge: http://ckoertgerhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Karianne LaPlante: http://kariannelaplantesblog.blogspot.com/
Colleen Livingstone: http://clivingstonerhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com
Lacey Mougeotte: http://lmougeotterhsenglitcomp1.blogspot.com/
Conner Patzman: http://cpatzmanrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Devon Tomooka: http://dtomookarhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/
Austin Skaggs: http://askaggssrhsenglitcomp.blogspot.com/

Saturday, February 16, 2013

I am Here

This grading period I know that I've fallen waaaay behind on my blog and I haven't been able to consistently post unfortunately, however I haven't been doing nothing.  This grading period I've been working very hard on my senior project and have made alot of progress, also I actually made two SMART goals and I've been working towards both of those as well.  In order to improve I know that I have to start posting more on my blog and I plan on doing that and trying to keep up.